It is always sad to hear some of the recumbent company stops its operation or significantly decrease it. And such a sad story has come from Nazca Ligfietsen. This recumbent producer has been around for over 20 years and delivered high quality touring recumbents from their base in Nijeveen, Netherlands, but last month they have published this sad news:
After long doubts we finally made the decision: we are going to stop the production of the Nazca solo recumbent models. Last year we already decided not to have new Fuego and Paseo frames made, now unfortunately the curtains are falling for the Gaucho and Gaucho highracer as well.
The solo frames that are currently still in stock (some Gaucho’s / Pioneer / Cruiser / Explorer) we will sell directly, delivery via dealers has stopped.
We expect to continue making the Quetzal tandem for quite some time to come, interest in this has clearly increased since the crisis.
The delivery of Nazca parts will be continued through our webshop.
After more than 20 years of Nazca, we now consciously choose to phase out our company slowly, a.o. to be able to spend more time in our second home in France. We are not actively looking for an acquisition candidate, but if a serious party comes forward who wants to start up production again, we will announce this as soon as possible.
Monique Holterman and Henk van der Woerdt a close husband and wife Nazca-team decided to slow down their business last year already and wrote a very nice summary:
We look back with satisfaction on the past twenty years, making recumbents for customers all over the world. This has allowed us to get to know many of them personally. But they were also intensive years. Because designing all the different models, for different people and applications brings with it a great responsibility. It means that perfect is only just good enough and that you often work long days. But it is very satisfying that our recumbents have proven to be very reliable and well designed.