Let’s start a new series of the RECUMBENT.news. Series I call 10 to 1. In the next weeks and months, you will have a chance to read short interviews with interesting people who ride recumbents. They will always consist of 10 same questions plus one you find at the very end. The interview will uncover you a bit of personal history, but also some future visions. I hope that this series will bring you joy, some background info, and also will make the recumbent world kind of smaller.
The first person doesn’t need an introduction. Gary Solomon is a recumbent influencer (such a modern word, right?!) and a celebrity in a way. His Laidback Bike Report show and Youtube Channel is more than known. He and his team have also shown an amazing effort during this year’s pandemic in producing two virtual shows. The Bent Expo in Spring and the BentCon in Autumn which have brought us not only the fresh information but also some fresh air and a better atmosphere into our homes. Thanks for that, Gary!
If I really start speculating in crazy directions – how about automation in bents? Maybe self steering bikes/trikes?
What recumbents mean for you?
Bents are a wonderfully efficient means of escape and exercise.
Can you remember when did you see a recumbent for the first time?
I was looking online to find some alternate form of bicycle that would allow me to ride longer distances in comfort. I searched Google and found the…
What was your first recumbent?
Do you prefer trikes or two-wheelers and why?
I love both my bikes and trikes. I spent many years on two wheelers before making the move to trikes. I have a V-Rex, BikeE, Goldrush and a RANS Screamer recumbent tandem.
Which bike do you ride now?
Now I ride my ICE Sprint X fs almost exclusively.
What do you think about all the e-assist boom we have around us now?
I love e-assist and have toured using HP Velotechnik’s Scorpion with Shimano STEPS system. I don’t have e-assist on my ICE trike right now but could easily foresee a time in the not-to-distant future where I’ll be riding an assisted trike. There is no doubt this is not a fad and is taking over the biking world right now.
Where is your favorite place to ride?
In my area I would say my favorite riding is the Ohio trail system out of Xenia. Hundreds of miles of paved trails along forests, farmland, fields and urban areas.
And the most unforgettable ride?
Probably our trike tour of the Rhine Valley including Germany, France and Switzerland. A close second was riding a recumbent tandem through Zion National Park in Utah.
How do you think recumbents will evolve in the next 5 or 10 years?
It seems pretty clear right now that trikes (especially e-assisted models) are beginning to not only be popular but to actually dominate the recumbent world. I would hope to see 2 wheelers make a comeback but I’m not sure that is in the forecast. Cheaper assist and cheaper automatic shifting may change the way we configure our new rides in the coming years. If I really start speculating in crazy directions-how about automation in bents? Maybe self steering bikes/trikes? Finally, I predict a new world speed record of 95 mph at Battle Mountain within 10 years!
What is your other hobby besides recumbents?
Do you even consider recumbents as a hobby? Recumbents are both a hobby and passion for me. I also love to keep up with science especially astronomy (I have a telescope) and geology (I have a fossil collection). I am a fanboy of all things technology including Tesla, SpaceX and energy breakthroughs.
AND ONE MORE: Anything else you would like to tell our readers?
Don’t miss the next Laidback Bike Report featuring our awesome News Director Honza Galla!!
Thank you for the interview!

Name: Gary Solomon
Year of birth: 1952
Residence: Pickerington, Ohio
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy
Job: Retired Pharmacist-Now Host of the LBR
Bike(s): V-Rex, BikeE, Goldrush, ICE SprintX fs and a RANS Screamer recumbent tandem
Motto: The beatings will continue until morale improves!
Web: www.laidbackbikereport.com