Although I don’t see handbikes as part of the recumbent industry, there are many similarities to what we use. Vehicles in the video aren’t even bicycles. The riders don’t propel them at all, but this is pretty understandable as they are handicapped. Still, it looks like a lot of fun shows the opportunities riders on three wheels have and demonstrates what was given to us by the electric motor evolvement. Those guys wouldn’t be able to enjoy the trails without the high-end motors they have now.
As I have tried some trail riding on a trike, I strongly recommend you do proper planning before choosing and trying some trails, especially in some parks. The trails can be very narrow, between trees or around huge boulders with places tight so you wouldn’t squeeze in with your trike. And there is simply no way to go back as the downhill is usually too steep. That said: Plan, ride, have fun!