The SPEZI show is just around the corner, and everyone who is going there can’t wait. I have invested a lot of time in promoting this festival of recumbents and other special bikes because the recumbent community simply deserves such an event. I also don’t want to lose the great atmosphere at SPEZI. I have had two main questions in recent months. How many exhibitors will register, and what will the atmosphere be like? The first question is finally answered. Eighty exhibitors are going to Lauchringen, Germany, to present 118 brands of bicycles, accessories, and other products. All the major recumbent bike and trike plus velomobile manufacturers will be there.

Both these numbers are impressive, the entire hall, which is 5,500 square meters / 60,000 sqft in space, is packed, and visitors will definitely have something to look at. Such numbers of exhibitors also confirm to me that a lot of visitors will come. Many people complain that Lauchringen, located in the south of Germany on the border with Switzerland, is too far away, but I think it makes sense to go there. SPEZI is organized after three years again, with a new organizational team and at a new location. And the new location also gives me hope that the atmosphere will also be outstanding and quite possibly even better than it used to be in Germersheim. Why? Mainly because of the old textile factory’s genius loci. Because of the test track, which is twisting in between the halls and through a tunnel, and is overseen by a tall chimney, like some police officer. But even with that oversight, it will be fun to ride all those test bikes available. The test track simply cannot be compared to the short oval at the bus station in Germersheim. And then, there will also be an extended version of the track that leads out of the area and climbs to a nearby ridge. Finally, visitors will be borrowing test bikes directly at the exhibitors’ booth inside the hall! That’s the icing on the cake. The Saturday evening concert and party right on the premises of the textile factory will undoubtedly make the event truly unforgettable.

You can also look forward to a series of lectures in the old metal workshop. Those about recumbents and velomobiles will focus on choosing the suitable electric tricycle and traveling. For example, Helge Herrmann will speak about touring Iceland in a Milan velomobile, Viktor ZichΓ³ will have a piece named “Northern Lights at Nordkapp”, Matt Galat, aka Jayoe, will have a slideshow about his trip around the world on a trike, and David Brandenberger about an incredible expedition on a solar tricycle.

In my opinion, there is a lot to look forward to, and I would like to invite you all to SPEZI with a video that I have prepared for this occasion.

I’ll be there! In only three weeks! April 29 and 30, 2023.

See the official site of the SPEZI show to get more information about free public transport or accommodation.