Follow the final battle of Sun Trip!

In 2021, it was a duel between two velomobiles that ended after 12,000 km with a difference of only 3 hours. This year, it’s a super tight race between a velomobile and recumbent.

The Great Divide MTB route on a recumbent

The Great Divide Mountain Bike Route is a 3,083.8 mi off-road bicycle touring route between Jasper, Canada, and Antelope Wells, New Mexico, USA. It is considered the longest mountain bike trail in the world. There haven’t been many people who attempted to ride it on a recumbent bike or trike, and Charlie Richman is most probably the first one to finish it unsupported on a recumbent two-wheeler.

New book: From Bicycle Commuting To SunTrip

Laurent participated in the race of solar bikes called the Sun Trip in 2018 and wrote a book about his amazing experience. Read about the journey from being a passionate bike commuter to finishing a 14.000 km / 8,700 miles long race in just 65 days.

⭐️ 9000 km between disease and health

At the age of 64, she was injured and went through a martyrdom of surgeries and illnesses that brought her to her knees. However, she wanted to get back on her feet and chose a long and lonely path. A journey through beautiful and wild Canada on a recumbent e-bike.
