I’m starting my journey to SPEZI today (on Thursday 25th of April, 2024) and I’m really looking forward to it. I went to my first SPEZI back in 2005 and my excitement for the event hasn’t left me since. Year after year this show has gotten better. There were more exhibitors, the space taken up was getting bigger, the atmosphere was getting thicker, but in a good way. Some parts of the fair faded away over time, like the trike races, which were always incredibly attractive and brought a lot of fun to spectators and racers alike. I also took part in them a couple of times, unsuccessfully it must be said. Last year, of course, the biggest change was the new venue. SPEZI moved to the south of Germany near the Swiss border and the organisation was taken over by the people from Wolf und Wolf, a small Swiss recumbent bike company. With the change of location came many new things. The entire exhibition was brought together in one hall. The short test circuit at the Germersheim bus station was replaced by a long one that wove its way not only through the exhibition hall, but also between the halls of the abandoned textile factory in which the fair is held. And then there is the long test circuit that leads up a nearby hill. Also the Saturday night party, the new enthusiasm of the organisers, the great catering etc. SPEZI 2023 was simply great and the increased number of exhibitors registered for this year’s show confirms that we have a lot to look forward to. Besides the recumbents, there are velomobiles, loads of cargo bikes, folding bikes etc.
As I wrote, I can’t wait.
But I totally understand that some people don’t want to go to SPEZI and they may have many reasons. I can think of five.
1. Too many bikes to test
There are more than 300 bikes to test at SPEZI. It’s a number that simply can’t be test-ridden in two days. And that can be frustrating for some. So many options and so little time. I’m annoyed myself, because due to my work obligations I can realistically test two or three bikes. Maybe five. And that’s not enough.
2. Too many people
Especially on a Saturday morning, the number of visitors indoors and out on the test track is overwhelming and for some it can definitely be uncomfortable. But for me, it’s absolutely charging. Because everyone came to see the bikes, came to try them out, they have the same hobby as me, they are enthusiastic, smiling and actually create the great atmosphere that exists at SPEZI. And on top of that, there are a lot of my friends among them, who I usually only meet at fairs or a few other events.
3. Too long test track
It’s basically impossible to get lost on it, although you might not hit the right turn at the first time to get back to the hall. However it really might take longer than you imagined to go around the whole circuit.
And this year it will be even longer. Inside the factory, between its halls, there’s an 800-metre test circuit. And if you’re really keen to try out a bike, the exhibitors can also let you onto the 1.5km long track, which offers a pretty steep climb and then a proper downhill too. Wohoooo! So if you’re expecting to test a lot of bikes on a short circuit, quickly one after another, you’re out of luck and SPEZI will be a rage for you.
4. Too many modern velomobiles
Alongside Velomobile World and their fast Bülk, the affordable Bülk 4 More and the practical Bülk Urban, there will also be Katanga with the WAW, or Velomobiel.nl with the Snoek and Snoek L. Plus other models of mentioned producers alongside other brands as well. But if you’ve long been rejecting all the news about new types of electric velomobiles that shouldn’t even be called velomobiles, you’ll find this a downer. Alongside the Quadvelo, Pedilio will be exhibiting and Podbike will also be making an appearance! Yes, that Podbike, which for many is the epitome of a senseless product. But I like it for few specific reasons and I look forward to the next test ride to see if the people around this product have managed to take it one step further.
5. Too loud party
And then there’s the party. It’s noisy, there’s beer drinking, you can’t even talk to your friends. Just awful!
Okay, I believe that RECUMBENT.news readers are not among those who would mind such things and that I will see many of them there. I’ll even have a helpmate this year in the form of a videographer, who will then also help me edit the videos.
See you soon!
P.S. It certainly makes sense to mention the most common reason people give for not coming to SPEZI in Lauchringen. It’s just far away. Especially for those who were used to driving half an hour or going two hours by train to Germershem, where SPEZI has been held for 24 years. Now it’s really far from Berlin, or from the Netherlands. But it still makes sense to come. It’s just worth it!
Invitation photo gallery from 2023