🎥 The first recumbent video game will take us all the way to Africa
Kilian Weigand and Jonas take a solar-powered recumbent tandem on a 7,000 km Sun Trip race, inspiring a unique video game for smartphones!
Kilian Weigand and Jonas take a solar-powered recumbent tandem on a 7,000 km Sun Trip race, inspiring a unique video game for smartphones!
Many of us think about Ukraine very often nowadays. Besides thinking about the current dramatic situation I also have memories of my two recumbent expeditions to this country. They are torn, but profound.
Nazca has stopped producing all its models. There are some framesets or demo bikes left plus all necessary spare parts will be available from its webshop.
HASE has introduced a new version of their extremely popular semi-recumbent tandem bike HASE PINO 2021 and it is worth your attention. Especially the new telescopic frame is more than interesting and very practical.
“After long doubts we finally made the decision: we are going to stop the production of the Nazca solo recumbent models.” is a sad news from the Dutch recumbent manufacturer.
Gadget Show on Channel 5 featured their own creation based on the AZUB TWIN recumbent tandem which they upgraded by pair of surfs
A video showing the back-to-back recumbent trike tandem riding. This one is from ICE trikes and they are not willing to build one more 🙂
We have found pretty interesting picture of a recumbent tandem with two front wheels. It is...
There are not many videos which contains only one shot and are enough interesting so you stay watching them complete. But this one from FlevoMartin is so great that you will definetely see it from start to its finnish....