In 2002, the Canadian Brent and his Norwegian friend Eivind undertook a relatively short but very special and fun expedition on the east coast of Canada. Their means of transport was the so-called Couchbike, a combination of a bicycle and a two-seater couch. Would this be the future of comfortable long-distance cycling travel?
Can you please, describe your route a bit?
We started in Miramichi, New Brunswick. We rode 150km / 93 miles along the coast of New Brunswick, then we moved our bike in a van across the Confederation Bridge and to the west coast of Prince Edward Island. We proceeded to ride 350km / 217 miles from the western tip of PEI to the eastern tip.
Why such a route?
I had visited the Maritime provinces of Canada as a kid and was looking for an excuse to go back.

Were there any sights or other points you wanted to visit or did you just go from point A to point B?
When we started our trip, we didn’t have a great sense of how far we’d be able to travel each day, so we just made up the route as we went along. However, once we started riding on the Confederation Trail in Prince Edward Island, we thought it would be satisfying to follow it across the full length of the island.
I had been thinking for a while about how fun it would be to put wheels on a couch and pedal it around.
Have you done more journeys together with your mate? Either before or after the couch bike trip?
Not really. We had met in high school when Eivind came to Canada from Norway through an exchange program. He was only in Canada for that one year, but we did a lot of cross country ski racing together during that time. It was a real stroke of luck that he contacted me 10 years later and told me he was planning a return visit to Canada and wondered if I’d like to join him for a trip of some sort. Despite having a great trip together on the Couchbike, Eivind had to return to Norway soon after and we have not crossed paths again.
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