It has been almost three months since we started to watch the terrifying reports from Ukraine and since millions of refugees started to flow to the rest of Europe. I have already reported about Ukrainian velomobile builder Alexey Ganshin known as Velodreamer, and I have also tried to help his wife Olga get from Russia back home to Ukraine.

Their story has unfolded in a way a bit strangely. Olga got stuck in Moldova, and after Alexey sent his three children to his former wife living in Poland, he went to Moldova to meet his wife there. As Olga is of Russian origin, they have realized that even after the war ends, they would have issues living in Ukraine safely and without obstacles. With the help of Gary Solomon, host of Laidback Bike Report, they have found a way to emigrate to Canada, but they consider other options as well. Everything is extremely complicated by Olga’s Russian citizenship . For the moment, it seems that this story may have a good end. All that with the significant help of the recumbent community. Read more in the Facebook post from Laidback Bike Report.
You can also help a young Ukrainian refugee and a student of interior design Kseniya who is currently in Czechia. Guys from AZUB have given her work, so she is preparing a 2023 calendar for them. The calendar will consist of 12 reproductions of her recumbent illustrations. AZUB will pay her for the job, and you can help her too by auctioning off one of her original illustrations. Read the full story and see all the paintings here.
It is great to see the recumbent community helping Ukraine. Thanks for that!