I have wrote already two articles like this. One at the beginning of 2022, about 2021, and the year before, about the first year of RECUMBENT.news, 2020. Some articles are in this list from the very beginning, some are new, of course. So let’s have a look (and read) at the TOP 10 articles of RECUMBENT.news in 2022. And let’s have a look at them in batches.

Three velomobile articles are in this list since 2020, which means that they are very popular, and somehow, people are still very interested in them. It is the one about a DIY plywood hot-rod style velomobile from Lithuania, which was read 5 134 times in 2022, has over 14 000 visits since I wrote it, and is still the most-read article on RECUMBENT.news in total. Number two would be the “EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE 428” velomobile article with 3 511 visits. The last one in this batch, and the 10th one actually, would be an article called: “PLYWOOD VELOMOBILE FROM SLOVAKIA – THE CARCLE BIKE” that people read 1 901 times. Finally, people were also interested in SNOEK L FOR TALLER RIDERS IS ALREADY BEING PREPARED, which they read 1 956 times.

Four other articles belong to the RECUMBENT KNOWLEDGE BASE section of RECUMBENT.news and it is more than understandable why they are on the list. It is the WHICH RECUMBENT TRIKES ARE SUITABLE FOR HEAVY RIDERS? with 4 525 reads, 18 RECUMBENT ACCESSORIES YOU SHOULD CONSIDER TO HAVE with 4 126 reads, TRIKE STEERING EXPLAINED & EXAMPLES written by my friend Kelvin Clark from Angletech which was read by 3 662 recumbent enthusiasts and the WHAT IS THE BEST REAR WHEEL SIZE FOR A TRIKE? with 2 013 reads. I am more than glad that my continuous, although rather slow, work on this section seems to be appreciated by readers. It also shows that there is a need for a place where basic information about recumbents is clearly displayed and well explained.
And one last article is missing in order to get 10 of them. And here it is: RANS BIKES RENAMED TO PHOENIX BIKE WRX, which fellow followers of RECUMBENT.news read 3 294x.
I hope you will like my work also this year, and I am sure there will be tons of good stuff for reading this year.